Eurecna supported the organization of the international conference within the framework of the EU-funded project “OCTA Innovation”, which aims at enhancing sustainable development through innovative solutions for economic diversification and at improving regional and global competitiveness of the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs).
The conference took place in the Azores on 12 and 13 April 2017. Representatives of the OCTs gathered to discuss steps for implementation of systemic innovation in the OCTs: attention was also paid to the exchange of best practices and cooperation instruments among OCTs.
Day one of the conference focused on discussions on renewable energies, digital economy and Business Innovation Creativity (BIC).
Day two of the conference foresaw the organization of discussion panels on tourism, agronomy, culture and education. Moreover a BIC awards ceremony was organized and awards were granted to the most innovative Innovation Managers for successful implementation of innovative projects in their countries.
The topics discussed during the conference have a major impact on OCT development; OCT representatives benefited from this useful experience and they will support innovation and productivities back home.
Apr 14, 2017
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