Eurecna TA team participated in the kick off meeting of the EU-funded project “Technical Assistance for Expansion of Van Enterprise Development Centre” organised in Ankara by the Directorate of EU Financial Programmes – DG for EU and Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology,
The project objective is to contribute to the socio-economic development by strengthening entrepreneurship in Van and the region, which suffered an earthquake with a magnitude of 7,2 in 2011. Our team will provide technical assistance services to the Van İŞGEM and to the current and prospective tenants of Van İŞGEM. The main outputs of the project are: Preparation of a Business Plan for Van İŞGEM and of a Service Manuels for Van İŞGEM, Promotion and Publicity of the Activities of Van İŞGEM Assistance to Van İŞGEM in the selection of 30 new entrepreneurs who will be allocated to the newly built workshops and Organisation of a study tour to an EU member state with succesful business incubators and SME support activities; along with General Business Development Services to the Existing Tenants and to the New Tenants.
The meeting registered the partecipation of the representatives of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT), Mr Mahmut Gedik, chairman of the ISGEM, and the representatives of the implementing consortium -Eurecna, Formaper, Euroconsultants and Tecnitas- together with the appointed key experts, Mr. Eliseo Boito, Team Leader and Mr. Riza Kőkner, SME Support Expert. The meeting was a constructive exchange of views on the expectations and goals to be achieved during the 24 months of project implementation, a first step for a successful implementation period.
Jan 22, 2016
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