On January 4, 2016 Eurecna attended the kick-off meeting of the EU-funded project “Technical Assistance for the development of a Winter Tourism Corridor in Erzurum, Erzincan and Kars” which was organised in Ankara by the Directorate of EU Financial Programmes – DG for EU and Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology.
The project aims at creating a favourable business environment for the tourism enterprises in Erzurum, Erzincan and Kars. Our TA Team will work on two main groups of activities: Activity 1 : Strategy and Action Plan Development and Activity 2: Implementation of the Winter Tourism Corridor Strategy and Action Plan. While Activity 1 focuses on the analysis and development of a Winter Tourism Corridor Strategy and related Action Plan; Activity 2 is two-fold: (a) to give the first impetus for implementation of the winter tourism corridor strategy and action plan and (b) to test and improve the functional strategies of the action plan with a view to make necessary modifications and improvements before the completion of the Operations.
Along with the representatives of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology (MoSIT) the meeting saw the participation of two representatives of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (ERA) and the representatives of the implementing consortium -Eurecna, Eduser and Cortina Turismo- together with the appointed key experts, Mr. Francesco Comotti, Team Leader and Mr. Alex Andreis, Branding and Promotion expert. The meeting was a constructive exchange of views on the expectations and goals to be achieved during the 24 months of project implementation.
Jan 04, 2016
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