On July 1-2 2015, in the framework of the project “Design and implementation of actions to strengthen the capacity of education stakeholders in the generation of curriculum relevance, strengthening networks” (“Diseño e implementación de acciones para el fortalecimiento de la capacidad de actores educativos en la generación de pertinencia curricular, fortalecimiento de redes”) Eurecna has organised an International Seminar on good practices that promote curricular relevance in the city of Heredia, Costa Rica. The seminar was attended by over 240 people belonging to PROEDUCA’s 20 networks, staff of the Ministry of Public Education and other national institutions, as well as by the Deputy Minister of Institutional Planning and by the Academic Deputy Minister. The lectures were delivered by international and national experts, who closely worked with Eurecna’s technical assistance team. The goals of the Seminar were fully achieved, the participants and Proeduca has expressed their compliments for the quality and good organization of the event. Eurecna thanks its team for the great work done to assure the success of the seminar.
Jul 01, 2015
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