Our world is ruled by social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat are the most used platforms for social exchange and their influence on our collective mind is huge. But are these environments actually populated by people only?
Eurecna supported the organization of the study visit “Civil Service Systems and Reforms” in Latvia and Lithuania that was attended by a delegation of officials of the General Personnel Council of the Palestinian National Authority. The study visit was organized in the framework of the EU-funded project “Technical Assistance to Support the Civil Service Reform in West Bank and Gaza Strip”.
Eurecna supported the organization of the launch event of the media campaign “Women in Municipal Elections” designed in the framework of the EU-funded project “Gender Equity and Empowerment of Lebanese Women in Lebanon”.
The final conference of the EU funded project “Modernisation of Human Resources Management Systems in the Civil Service (EUHRM)” took place on 22 January 2016 in Sarajevo.
The kick off meeting of the project “Technical Assistance for Expansion of Van Enterprise Development Centre” was held on Friday 22nd of January 2016 in Ankara (Turkey).
The kick-off meeting of the project “Technical Assistance for the development of a Winter Tourism Corridor in Erzurum, Erzincan and Kars” was held on Monday 4th of January 2016 in Ankara (Turkey).