Technical Assistance for Business Environment and Competitiveness in Sierra Leone
The purpose is to provide Technical Assistance for implementation of all activities and components of the Business Environment and Competitiveness (BECS) programme. The TA shall conduct:
- institutional capacity building;
- organization of investment promotion events;
- various studies/assessments; and
- supporting activities related to the implementation and formulation of relevant reforms, regulations, policies and initiatives.
The TA shall report directly to the EU Delegation in order to ensure that the implementing partners of the BECS Programme are using appropriate methods and tools to execute and track progress of the activities and deliver accurate reporting about the achieved results. The aim of this TA is also to create a pool of local and international experts who are going to be mobilised depending on the needs of national authorities and the final beneficiaries.
The overall objective to which this action contributes is:
• to ensured cost efficient and effective implementation of the BECS programme
The overall objective to which this action contributes is to ensured cost efficient and effective implementation of the BECS programme Specific objectives.
The Outcomes of this TA contract are as follows:
• Outcome 1: National authorities and public entities are capacitated and are able to support Sierra Leonean MSMEs
• Outcome 2: Business Environment is improved through public private dialogue and subsequent policy reforms and implementation
• Outcome 3: European Foreign Direct Investments in Sierra Leone is increased (expanding the existing investments and attracting new ones)
• Outcome 4: Enhanced coordination and collaboration among the implementing partners, beneficiaries and stakeholders in the development and implementation of policies and actions
Qualifications and skills
- Master's degree or equivalent in Economics, Business Administration, Public Policy, Law, International Trade or similar field.
- Excellent level of English, including excellent English editing/drafting skills
General professional experience
- At least 5 years of professional experience in project management in low income or lower-middle income countries.
- As an advantage will be consider an experience in low income or lower-middle income countries12, related to providing Technical Assistance to government agencies or/and ministries with a legal mandate to facilitate foreign direct investments and/or international trade and/or supporting MSMEs
Specific professional experience:
- At least 3 years of proven professional experience on business environment reforms in low income and lower-middle income countries
- As an advantage will be considered publications (reports, research articles or textbooks) directly related to at least one of the following topics: tax system, foreign direct investments, informal economy and international trade.
42 months
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