Code of Business Ethics
Statement of Values and Business Ethics
Eurecna is committed to building, long-term relationships with clients and partners through honesty, openness and fair play. All aspects of our business are based on the highest ethical standards. All employees are required to be familiar with this ethical code and apply it in their work.
No one has authority to require or influence another employee to violate this code of conduct, and any attempt to do so may result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
Commitment to Legal and Ethical Conduct
Eurecna conducts its business and affairs with honesty, integrity and fairness, in accordance with the letter and spirit of all applicable laws in the countries in which it does business. However, compliance with the law is just the first part of the ethical standard..
It is Eurecna’s policy that communication and relationships with stakeholders be truthful and transparent in a way that will withstand the highest degree of public scrutiny. Working relationships will be based on candour and openness, treating each other fairly and with respect.
The Environment
In considering business opportunities, Eurecna examines environmental risk along with any other risk. Eurecna will refrain from undertaking any business activity that might pose a real threat to environmental quality and conservation .
Prohibitions against Bribery and Corruption
Under no circumstances will Eurecna, directly or indirectly, knowingly offer or give a bribe or other inducement designed to improperly influence decisions. Eurecna will not accept any business opportunity that involves the offer or giving of a bribe, and will exercise diligence and care to avoid unknowingly being part of such a transaction.
Eurecna may receive and evaluate appropriate complimentary products and services. It also may make a gift to a company or an organisation, provided the gift is properly authorised and given openly with full knowledge by the company or organisation, and is consistent with applicable law.
Laws and Dealing with the Government
Although laws vary from country to country, the following general guidelines should be followed when dealing with any governmental agency:
- NEVER discuss or offer employment or business opportunities to contracting officers or governmental officials who may influence an official act or decision affecting Eurecna or its business;
- NEVER offer or give gifts or favours to anyone in connection with any government contracting activity, including fees or other payments to any customer who is a prime contractor with a government entity and able to influence an outcome;
- NEVER offer or give questionable or irregular payments (whether in the form of cash, goods or other property) if you know, or have reason to believe, that such payments will be used to influence officials or their representatives to facilitate official acts or decisions involving Eurecna.
Equal Opportunities
It is Eurecna’s policy as an employer to treat all people equally irrespective of race, ethnic origin, sex, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, creed, disability, age or political belief.
Eurecna confirms its commitment to a comprehensive policy of Equal Opportunities in employment in which individuals are selected and treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities and are given Equal Opportunities within the company. The aim of this policy is to ensure that no job applicant or employee should receive less favourable treatment on any grounds not relevant to good employment practice. Eurecna is committed to a programme of action to make this policy fully effective.
Eurecna will apply this policy to its work with clients, ensuring that we take an open mind in ensuring the needs and views of all groups are considered in evaluating problems and in developing innovative solutions with clients that best meet the clients objectives.
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest
Employees and representatives of Eurecna have a duty to act in the best interests of our clients at all times. We would not knowingly take on projects where a conflict of interest might exist between the client’s and Eurecna’s commercial interests. If such a conflict becomes apparent we will declare this in writing to the client and agree the most appropriate steps to take in the circumstances.
Similarly, employees and representatives of Eurecna must insure there is no conflict of interest between themselves and Eurecna or its clients. The judgment of Eurecna employees and representatives must be, and must be seen to be, independent of any personal or financial interests that arise from business dealings, social ties, or other personal considerations.
Eurecna requires its employees and representatives to adhere to the highest standards of conduct with respect to conflicts of interest.
Employees shall generally avoid conducting Eurecna business with family members or other significant relationships, or taking any business action that benefits a family member or significant relationship.
Compliance with these standards must be achieved through avoidance, disclosure, discontinuance or divestment.
Website usage conditions
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This page illustrates the conditions for use of the Eurecna web site: please read it carefully. By accessing the site, you are accepting in full the conditions as illustrated below.
Copyright and trademark
The documentation, images, fonts, artwork, graphics, music, software and other contents of the site, and all the code and script formats for site implementation are the sole property of Eurecna S.p.a. None of the content may be copied, modified, uploaded, transmitted, re-published for re-distribution to third parties for business purposes without the prior written consent of Eurecna S.p.a.
Eurecna does not publish content which may be interpreted as professional, financial or legal services. Eurecna shall not be liable for any type of damages whether direct, indirect or accidental, which may derive from reading the information published. Eurecna assumes no liability for the content and use of third party sites accessed via this site. Users are responsible for verifying that the content accessed is free of viruses. Eurecna assumes no liability for eventual contamination deriving from access to, interconnection with, the download of material and IT programmes from this site or third party sites accessed via this site.
This site is operated by Eurecna S.p.a. P.IVA 03804880270, in Venice, Italy. Italy is thus the nation where any eventual legal dispute regarding the site will be settled.