For the registration and the subsequent possibility to use the services offered by Eurecna SpA, the user, after seeing the informative in accordance with Legislative Decree n. 196/2003, must accept the General Conditions for the use of the site and agree to the processing of his/her personal data.
General Conditions for the use of the site
1. Property, Site Content, Copyright and Registered Trademarks
The site and all its contents, such as trademarks, logo, icons, texts, etc., are exclusive property of Eurecna SpA (from here “Company”) or of third parties that supply services to Eurecna SpA. They are protected by Italian and international copyright law. The software used in the site is property of the Company and it is protected by international copyright law. Eurecna SpA’s site and all its contents cannot, not even a fraction of them, be reproduced, distributed, sold, transferred or modified. Eurecna SpA and the name of products, services, designs and Eurecna SpA’s logo are trademarks registered by the Company. Other products, services and mentioned companies could be trademarks registered by their respective owners.
Eurecna’s site could contain links to sites which are not operated by the Company, that are provided as a simple reference and for the content of which the Company does not take any responsibility and does not give any guarantee. In case one user decides to consult these contents, it is on his/her own risk.
2. Use of Eurecna SpA’s site
Eurecna Spa’s site cannot be used in any way to send pornography or any other material that offends the general feeling of propriety and, more generally, illegal material. Any reproduction, modification, duplication, copy, distribution, sale or exploitation of the site for commercial purposes is not permitted. Any download and print of materials contained in the site is permitted for personal use only. Unauthorized use of the site and the material contained within, constitute an infringement of applicable intellectual property laws. The user must maintain all the indications on trademarks and copyright marked on downloaded or printed materials. The use of these materials on any other website is not permitted.
3. Age and responsibility of the user
The user must be adult and have the capacity to act, necessary to use the site in acceptance of the present General Condition and to assume any responsibility for the use of the site. The user that registers on the website must provide his/her personal data only, guaranteeing they are truthful, correct and updated. The user is responsible for the use of the site from him/her or anyone using his/her personal data.
4. Exclusion of guarantee
Eurecna SpA site is provided by the Company “as it is”. The Company and its suppliers do not give any guarantee on the site operability and the accuracy, completeness and reliability of information, materials and products contained within it. The Company does not provide any implicit or explicit guarantee of marketability or eligibility for any particular purpose.
5. Limitation of liability
The Company cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from the use of the site, included direct, indirect, incidental and consequential damages.
6. Applicable law
Italian law is applied to the present General Conditions.
7. Modifications to General Conditions
The Company reserves the right to modify the site and the present General Conditions at any time. Notice of any modification will be given on Eurecna SpA’s site. Without prejudice of the withdrawal right of the user, he/she will continue to use the site according to the modified version of General Conditions.
8. Additional conditions
Additional terms and conditions may be applied to the sale of goods and services or to the use of other parts of the site: the user states as of now he/she will comply with any other eventual terms and conditions.